“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously.”-Ralph Waldo Emerson


“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”Eckhart Tolle

HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! I sat down at the computer with my morning coffee (for which I am thankful for) and just jotted down a few things I feel so grateful for. Here they are:

Thankful to hear my husband’s gentle snore as I rise another Thanksgiving morn.

Thankful for children who for years have been out the door; getting good educations, leading independent lives yet staying close to their grams.

Thankful that this life we’ve put together still stands; this life built on our unity and respect for each other.

Thankful that I had a solid career with a pension that enabled me to retire.

Thankful that I had a job that supported my creativity and gave me the opportunity to touch many, many lives for the better.

Thankful that I am, in my own way, still touching lives.

Thankful that I had parents and grandparents who were my biggest fans.

Thankful that my mom will be 90 next week and lives so close to us.

Thankful that I am still curious and still love learning and reading.

Thankful that I do not know boredom.

Thankful that I can sit still, read, take pleasure in the moment.

Thankful that I can still touch my toes, exercise and stretch my mind.

Thankful that my children have been given roots to do with what they may.

Thankful  for family near and far and memories of get -togethers where love abounded.

There is so much gratitude in my heart and much to be Thankful for…

Thankful my husband and I are in good health and can take care of my mom.

Thankful for THIS life, OUR life!

That’s it for now, Folks. Please enjoy a lovely Thanksgiving Day and know that I am thinking of you and your families!